Metric/Imperial Conversion

General Fragrance Chart

All Conversions are approximate.
Converting Liquid Cup Imperial Measure to Millilitres (ML)
1/2 fluid oz 15 mls
1 fluid oz 30 mls
1/4 cup (2 oz) 60 mls
1/3 cup (3 oz) 90 mls
1/2 cup (4 oz) 125 mls
1 cup (8 oz) 250 mls
cup mls
1/4 teaspoon (tsp) 1 ml
1/2 teaspoon (tsp) 2 ml
1 teaspoon (tsp) 5 ml
1 Tablespoon (Tbsp) 15 ml
3 teaspoons 1 Tablespoon
4 Tablespoons 1/4 Cup
8 Tablespoons 1/2 Cup
16 Tablespoons 1 cup
Converting Liquid Cup Imperial Measure to Millilitres (ML)
1/2 oz 15 gms
1 oz 30 gms
2 oz 60 gms
4 oz 125 gms
8 oz 227 gms
16 oz (1 lb) 454 gm
32 oz (2.2 lb) 1 Kg (1000 gms)
1 ml of essential oil 20 – 25 drops
5 ml of essential oil 90 – 100 drops

Table of Quantities for using Essential Oils

A handy chart for making your own fragrant massage, lotion or bath oil blends.
Percent Dilution Measured Carrier Number of Drops How To Use
2 oz (60 ml) oil/emulsion
12 drops
2 oz (60 ml) oil/emulsion
24 drops
2 oz (60 ml) oil/emulsion
48 drops
Specific Treatments
4 oz (120 ml)
24 drops
4 oz (120 ml)
48 drops
Though many of our products are Food Grade, we are not a Food Grade handling facility. As such we are not authorized to sell our products as Food Grade. All of our products currently are for external use only.