Project Cheat Sheet : Suds n’ Scents

project cheat sheet Suds N Scents

We hope you find Project Cheat Sheet useful in calculating your next crafty project with friends, for wedding favors, craft fairs, teaching/scout groups, and more!

Bath Fizzies Project Cheat Sheet

(Using ratio of 1 part Citric Acid to 2.5 parts Baking Soda)

IngredientsGrams(Metric)Imperial (Cups)Approx. Unit Amount
Citric Acid250 gm1 cup 
Baking Soda625 gm2.5 cups 
TOTAL 875 gm3.5 cups8 Fizzies
@ 4 oz/
120 gmor16 Fizzies
@ 2 oz/
60 gm
Bath Salts Project

(Using ratio of 1 part Epsom Salts to 1 part Solar Salt)

IngredientsGrams(Metric)Imperial (Cups)Approx. Unit Amount
Epsom Salts1 Kg4 cups 
Solar Salts1 Kg4 cups 
TOTAL 2 Kg8 cups8 x 8 oz Bag
(250 gm)or16 x 4 oz Bag
(120 gm)
Melt & Pour Soap Making Project
Soap Base WeightsConverted to
4 oz/
120 gm Size
2 oz/
60 gm Size
2-lb Block32 oz8 Bars16 Bars
10-lb Block160 oz40 Bars80 Bars
40-lb Block640 oz160 bars320 Bars